There is no such thing as absolute protection, but by maintaining these basic best practices you can raise your cybersecurity quotient.
- Don’t access websites from an email or open attachments in emails from unknown senders.
- Update your system software regularly
- Your passwords should be at least 10 alphanumeric characters, with some sign and some capital letters
- Your operating system should have a start-up password
- Use an antivirus and periodically run a full system scan
- Use VPN for your privacy
- Log off at the end of use
- Avoid operations on open and public networks
- Activate your firewall system
- Download software to install and update your applications from official sites
- Turn off Internet when not in use
- Back up your files
- Install your crypto wallet on your own, non-shared devices and on systems without pirated or cracked software (patches that unlock unauthorised use).
- When you are creating a new cryptowallet make sure that no intruder sees your screen, he would see the seed (words)
- Before installing your cryptowallet run your antivirus at maximum scanning depth
- Store your passwords and seeds (words) offline in at least two trusted locations far away from each other. Paper deteriorates. If it is in digital format you should encrypt, preferably with PGP. Watch Tutorial.
- Don’t talk about how many cryptocurrencies you have
- Keep as much of your cryptocurrencies for savings in a cold wallet or in an offline, non-custodial wallet, where you hold the private keys (restore words). Not in exchanges
- If you get your device repaired, uninstall your wallet, but if you don’t have access, don’t give out your password to enter the operating system
- When sending cryptocurrencies from your wallet, check at least the first and last 8 characters of the destination address, there are malwares that divert funds
- It is probably a scam if you are offered guaranteed earnings after a while in exchange for handing over your cryptocurrencies
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