PinnedAgorism: An Individual Action Toward AnarchismAgorism is counter-economics, it is anti-politics. It means not participating in any activity proposed by the state, in any of its forms.May 16, 2023May 16, 2023
PinnedPublished inCoinmonksBlockchain Could Be A Game Changer If Its Principles Are RespectedIf the basic principles are broken, the blockchain will be the worst Orwellian instrument of mass surveillance and control ever created.Apr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Atala PRISM Seeks Privacy For Cardano UsersAtala PRISM is a blockchain digital identity platform developed by IOHK for Cardano.Jun 1Jun 1
Why I Think AI Could Fork Cardano Or Other Programmable BlockchainsThe evolution of Artificial Intelligence is exponential and the development of models for different uses never ceases to amaze me.May 26May 26
RegFi vs DarkFi: Regulaciones Estrictas Crearán Una División En La Industria De La CriptografíaPorqué creo que habrá una división en la industria cripto, entre sistemas regulados y ecosistemas que buscarán no ser regulados.May 3May 3
RegFi vs DarkFi: Tough Regulations Will Create A Split In The Crypto IndustryIn this article I will explain why I believe there will be a division in the crypto industry.May 2May 2
Proof Of Humanity: A Nightmarish Identity Validation SystemIn this article I am going to tell you how identity validation for people is being developed, and how AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be…Apr 27Apr 27
Bitcoin Is Being Co-Opted By Bankers, Could It Happen To Cardano?I will explain why I believe that Bitcoin is being co-opted by the banking system, and if the Cardano blockchain could face the same path.Apr 6Apr 6
Bitcoin Está Siendo Cooptado Por Los Banqueros, ¿Podría Ocurrirle a Cardano?Explicaré porqué creo que Bitcoin está siendo cooptado por el sistema bancario, y si ese mismo camino podría enfrentar la blockchain…Apr 6Apr 6